Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Between Barack and a Hard Place"

Personally this video was so boring for me. Maybe I'm not seeing the big picture but i feel like who cares. I know that Obama becoming president doesn't fix Americas issues, but lets face it he won because enough people did like him and that's what counts. I find it dumb to split racism into groups such as racism 1.0 and 2.0. To me its all the same and Obama is the president were stuck with him for the next 4 years so quit the complaining.
Overall i didn't like this video blog because i would much rather have the material to look back on a and highlight and with this video I'm already drawing blanks as to what the point it.
However when it comes to brown vs. Board of Education I think that Tim would say that we haven't really come all that far. This case was a huge step towards helping our society and it was 50 years ago now that Obama is president Tim is saying we still have a lot of work to do. So basically i feel like Tim is saying we haven't really gotten that far but however we are in the right step. I have to agree that we are moving ahead but honestly i still feel like blacks are looked at differently which is sad to say.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Kahne & Westheimer

"Relationships that emhasize charity we will call giving. Those that aim primarily to deepen relationships and to forge new connections we will call caring." Before reading this article I didnt know that service learning was looked at in these two ways. I thought that any service learning would be considered both but after seeing these definitions I realize that it can be looked at in separate ways. For me the service learning i do falls into the caring relationships because I feel like if I was to call it charity I would be showing the kids pitty and I dont think that the right way to approach the situation.

"Service learning can advance other priorities, such as the acquisition of vocational skills." This is just one example of how service learning can impact people. I would have never tought a skill like this would be picked up but much more can be taught when doing service learning. At the time your working with someone it may feel like your not doing much but the end results are amazing. I can't wait to see the progress I see in the girls i work with.

"The distance between the one caring and the one cared for diminishes." This is my favorite quote from this reading because in the end the bond you create is so strong and positive you let walls down and you feel like your not helping someone they are actually helping you. I feel the goal of service learning is to build this type of bond because it will be remembered forever.

This reading was kind of dry to read. But it is good to know how much service learning impacts the people you work with. This made me feel good about what i'm doing but i felt like this reading was too repetitive.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Talking Points #4

"Many students don't want to believe that they have been manipulated by childresn media and advertising. No one wants to admit that they've been "Handles" by the media." I chose this quote because i completly agree. No one wants to admit that they have been basically brainwashed all their lives from cartoons, movies, magazines, ect But the fact is that we have to face it so we can do exactly like the title says "Unlearn" these "Myths". We first have to open our eyes to the things we've been grown to learn so that we can help earase these images from the children that we are going to be teaching.

"As tinker bell inspects her tiny body in a mirrow only to find that her minute hips are simply too huge, she shows us how to turn the mirrow into an ememy." I chose this excert becuase i've seen peter pan many times and never did i notice thats what tinker bell is actually doing. No wonder so many girls have body issues especially when a character as tiny and beautiful as tinker bell is having issues. This one issue may not lead to girls critizing themselves but it is all these little things building on one another that is the problem. It is amazing how much i've picked up on just from this article it is sad how we shaped the thoughts of these children.

"Pam and Nicole swore theyt would not let their children watch cartoons." I feel like this teacher made his students think all cartoons and media are bad when thats really not the case. What good will sheltering your children from cartoons do? I feel like his students took this too much to heart and now they will be parents that dont even allow there children to watch any TV.

website lists and gives examples of the 9 worst disney movies with racism you may be suprised to see the Jungle book and Aladdin on the list but the examples shown are so true I completly over looked them until now.

This article was boring to me I feel like it was very repetative and a little bit out dated. I'm pretty sure the fact that media plays a role on how our children develope and learn is embeded in my brain.