Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ransom post

Last class Thurs April 22 I found the multiple intelligence survey very interesting. This is something I am defiantly going to tuck away and use in the future. On this survey i rated very high in the music category. I found this strange because I do not play any instruments and I have a terrible voice. But this survey made me realize it is more than just singing or preforming. Its about the way you learn. And now thinking about it I always try and make important things to remember into rhymes or songs. This was a cool assignment and I'm glad we got it because it tough me things about myself and the way I learn that I didn't even realize. I had no idea to begin with that their were 9 different types of learning. As a teacher these are very important to keep in mind becasue we have to adjust to our students. This was a very helpful assignment!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you liked this!!! Hope you can one day use it with your students!
